
This study aimed to examine the relationship between social anxiety, spiritual health and life satisfaction with Internet addiction among students at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman . This study was descriptive and a correlation. Sample size included 374 Kerman University students who were chosen in random sampling based on gender. Kimberly Young questionnaire, Canvor Social anxiety questionnaire, Polotsine and Ellison spiritual health and life satisfaction questionnaire by Dainer and et.al. were used to collect data. Data were analyzed by independent t-test, Pearson correlation and multiple regressions. Results showed significant relationship between social anxiety, spiritual health and life satisfaction with Internet addiction. Findings showed no significant differences between the rate of social anxiety and life satisfaction in male and female students. The spiritual health of female students was higher than male students and male students were more Internet addicted than female students.
Key words: social anxiety, spiritual health, life satisfaction, Internet addiction, students.
